Monday, April 28, 2014

temple lovin'

helllo m'dear family and friends! hope you all had a wonderful week this last week. i have a feeling that this transfer is going to go by sooo quick because the weeks are just flyin by! on tuesday we spent alot of the day taking lovell around to meet people in the ward and still try to get her to know the area. since we have like 0 investigators right now a lot of our time is focused towards finding. 2 hours of tracting each day and sharing missionary messages with the active families to get the pumped and talked to their neighbors and stuff. nothing has come of it yet but it will in time. on wednesday we had district meeting about testifying! teaching can be so hard sometimes when people dont understanding what youre teaching, but when the spirit is there and testimony is being born, people cannot deny what they are feeling! the spirit! oh heyyyyyyy. mom, i gotcho package! so fun, i love everything. you da bestest! we werent able to see many people after we got home, except for the lady with the pig!! she has a pig. like a full pot belly pig, in her house that THEY SLEEP WITH IN THEIR BED! their bed people!!! im just like okay maam, do you. its whatever i guess. just a pig in the bed. on thursday it was the best because we went to the temple. we left tucson about 7:30 and had a 10 oclock session. i love the temple its just the best! it feels like we just went! time is FLYING!! i only have one more temple trip before we go home. nuts. after the temple we went to a really yummy mexican resturaunt. i got taco salad as usual. lovey got a burrito and she just takes her plate and mixes the whole thing together like a big pile of slop. she calls it "goolosh" idk shes the funniest! then i was soooo full after that and when we got home we went straight to the oversons for dinner! omg so full! me and lovell were about to pass out because it was just soooooo much!!! friday hmmmmmm. i dont really remember. tracting and stuff, trying to figure out ways we can get new people to teach! its so dang hard out in the middle of no where! saturday morning the ward went to a less active ladys house to clean up. it was good to see the ward coming out and helping people who dont even come to church! "by their fruits ye shall know them" we have the fruits, guys!!!! and boy are they delicious. that day it was soo glooomy and cold and even rainy! i loved it. such great weather. reminded me of home. sunday was a 11 hour church day because we had a linger longer after. sunday is church day and ive just gotten used to it. its gonna be wierd going back to 3 hours when i get transferred. today we went to a place called tombstone, az. its an old city that still has all the old buildings and stuff. it was soo coool. we went to a old brothel house! omg do you know what that is?!?! i definitely did not. the guy was like what are a bunch of you mormon girls doing here! it was really fun. they said it was haunted so you know i wanted to go ghost hunting. maybe another time. teach the dead the gosple. just like the spirit world! well time to go! hope you guys have a great week! i love youuuuu!
sista b
oh yeah we went to the fair on monday and talked to people and i got a free corn dog the size of my head!
the pig -_________-

at the temple! this is the dress you gave me mom. love it! me and lovell are clearly the most retarted in the zone

me and the love bug

Monday, April 21, 2014

Because of HIM!

howdy everyone. ugh i hate how country i am getting. lovell loves the gospel country music and everyone here is just so like lol country. its okay. we get to wash a horse this week so its fine. this week has just been so good! ive been happier than ive been in weeks!!! a fun, hardworking comp really makes all the differences in missionary work. on wednesday we went to zone meeting and got to know that other people in the zone. we had to answer a question about our comp, it was "if your comp was any pokemon who would they be?" so sis lovell gets up there and shes all excited and i know shes gonna say something embarrassing. "if sister butcherite was a pokemon she would be ninetails (see pic) because shes got lucious locks and shes a fox!" im just like ohhhhhh lovey!!! everyone laughed...either because they agree or they disagree but im just gonna think they agree. so funny. that day we went to work meeting the auxilary leaders and what not. lovell is such a people person! i love it. we talk with everyone and they dont wanna listen but its still great. on thursday we spent most of the day outside tracting and contacting people. im getting some really good tanline and its getting freakin hot out -______- hate the heat. we had dinner with the oversons that night and had a great lesson about how the gospel has blessed their lives. i love to see the positive changes it has on people! me and lovey did a fast that day that we would find a new investigators (since all of ours are avoiding us like a ex girlfriend). we had a high goal of 3 news and after all the work we put in we didnt find a single one. but we KNOW that if we show the lord that we are doing all we can he will help us out in his own timing. friday we had lunch with some of lovells recent converts from clifton. it was fun to see them and hear how much they adore the lovester. lol so many nicknames for her. then we weekly planned and went out for the day. saturday was good because our elders had a baptism! of course they were unorganized and didnt have the white jumpsuits so it was 30 minutes behind schedule. but there was cake at the end so it was all worth it. LOLOMGJK! The baptism was great! its fun to see the success of other missionaries. that night we went to a recent convert family and after our lessons we dyed easter eggs! and they gave us easter baskets! it was so darn tender. i love that family. sunday was great. good programs in both of the wards. i dont think lovell knows how to cope with 9 hours of church. im an old pro by now. CHURCH ALL DAY EVERYDAY. it was so great to hear the talks on the resurrection and the hope and peace it can give us in all aspects of life. we had a great dinner at some members house: turkey, funeral potatoes, and salad! i cant wait to treat the missionaries when i get home because i know how much it means to me. LOL #feedthemissionaries. this morning me and sis lovell went on a hike...just the 2 of us. so presh. its getting freaking hot early and i sweat like a hog so its swell. im so excited for this transfer and hope we can stay together for 2. we have so much fun and stay up too late talking and giggling. im tired all the time because of that girl (she makes us wake up at 6:10 and go running. maybe the mission weight will shed lol) but its worth it! i love you all too much! thanks for all the support and love. sending my love from the hottest place ever!!! pray for my soul. have a great week. 3 weeks till skype mom LOVE YOU GUYS!

i hope you were all able to watch this video. ive seen it a bajillion times maybe. its so great!!! i love the baby in it.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014


this week. this week. this week. SO LONG! i dont know why it just seemed to go on forever and ever. on monday night we switched up for companion exchanges. i went with a sister to a really ritzy nice ward in town and sis stuart took over the area. i had a great time in the other area. we did alot of service! we went to an old folks home and played a game called bible quest! omg it was the cutest thing of my life. they are so cute and fun and old! i love old people. then later that night we switched back. on wednesday we had zone meeting and learned more about our purpose as missionaries. sometimes its hard for me to remember that everything i do should be surrounded by my purpose...which is to invite others to come unto christ. im workin on it though! that night we had a lesson with our investigator peggy. shes doing good and loved conference! she basically believes everything we tell her! im excited for her and hope she can embrace the gospel! that night we went to young womans and learned how to frost cakes in a cute creative way! luved it!! on thursday we met with the oversons to go over their baptism. they were so excited but a little nervous. soooo cute!! i made them a cake that night too. #homeEC. friday was spent mostly making the program for the baptism and making copies for that and inviting members and getting everything arranged. then saturday was the big day! we went to benson, a town about 20 miles away to have their baptism. we ate lunch at their grandmas house..shes the cutest. then we left to fill the tub and get things set up. alot of people actually came! which was great!!! great support for the oversons. the actual ordinance was great. it was so spritual. sister overson had to get dunked 3 times because her toe kept poppin out hahah. then after it she was like "it doesnt help that im afraid of water" hahah why didnt you tell us!!!? over all it was great though. they are awesome. on sunday they got confirmed and we just had church the rest of the day . I LOVE 9 HOURS OF CHURCH! that night we went to one of my favorite families house for dinner. they have a lot of property and have their own driving range. so i went out there and hit some balls. safe to say the elders and the boys were all impressed. i did pretty good if i say so myself. then that night we got transfer calls......sis stuart was going to sahuarita and im getting sister lovell. I LOVE THIS SISTER! weve always said together that heavenly father has to put us together and our prophecy came true! we came out together from the MTC! we are going to have so much fun! i love her and the future looks BRIGHT!!! i hope everythings going good with you guys. have a great easter. think of our savior and what his resurrection means to you! love chu all. send letters lol
sista b



me and lovell at the mtc. now we gonna tear it up in rincon.
audios TOOOTS! my little baby sis stuart off to take over the world

Monday, April 7, 2014

is it worth it? YES IT IS

omg how good was conference you guys? i loved it, everything was so great! so this week went by so fast. this whole transfer has gone by fast and i cant believe that i only have 7 days left. on tuesday we went on exchanges with our sister training leaders and i stayed in the area. it was a really good day. went tracting, no one interested. had 4 lessons and it was all very nice. i always get a little nervous to take over the area but things always turn out great. power of prayer baby! on wednesday we had district mtg and went to lunch at some pizza place. the slices were huge lol like bigger than by arm hahah wut?! any ways we had back to back lessons with less actives. isnt it funny how people are less active but they love it when the missionaries come over? its okay, just be friends with people and allow encouragement and things will come. on thursday we had dinner with a less active we are working with. shes really coming along and has come to church every week since weve seen her. lol yeah! then we went to the library to find some activities that the children we are teaching could do during conference. there are so many fun activities. i made some copies for the elders to do too and they like "thanks sista b you gonna be the best mom ever." lol right? i know. we had dinner with the oversons on thursday. getting everything set for their baptsim and stuff. they are so excited and have everything marked on the calender. i think they are more pumped than we are. its great. on friday we did a lot of tracting trying to promote conference. i hope people watched it hahah. because its sooooo goood! that night we ate with a girl who is the same age as us but shes married lol. just a couple of girls chattin. on saturday we went to the stake center to watch conference. NOBODY goes to conference at the stake center. remember when we used to go and it was packed? lol it was like 10 missionaries and 6 other people. we stayed at the church between sessions and played mafia hahah it was great. then we went to dinner at a members house and it was a bunch of ladies while then men watched the priesthood session. sunday was pretty much the same as saturday. we watched the afternoon session at some members house and then they fed us! love that. so now im gonna follow the words of elder ballard. he told us to tell you guys what im doing in preach my gospel. this week we studied listening to others. listening is the most important part of missionary work. if we dont listen then we dont know their concerns or what they are thinking. i love to get to know people and what they really think about the church. now go out there and read your own PMG!!! i challenge you. i will follow up too! hahah have a great week. love yous guys
sista b
the first rattle snake ive seen! its guts were hangin out and stuff! lol

Rincon Zone